Saturday, April 12, 2008


I cannot comprehend why any team, using an OLD car (the stress is in "old"),  would want to run pseudo-qualifying laps in a pre-season testing event. But that's exactly what Renault have done. Just to give a boost to Alonso's image, they allowed him to run "empty tanks" and set a time that was anything but a mockery. An eye-wash for the innocent. You could say, running quick laps is part of their day's program. Plausible if they are running with a NEW car. They're using the R27, which is last year's car, running for some 70 laps and at the end of the day, with just a few kilos of fuel, helping Alonso pretend he is still the man to beat.

This serves to cement the fact that Renault are definitely a team that has understood Alonso as well as no other can possibly could. See, they make him feel important even in testing. All to keep him happy and his, I'm extremely sorry to use this word, ego satisfied. Here's another interesting quote from Alonso after yesterday's testing:

{ I haven't really got to know Nelsinho yet, but he seems to me to be a normal, nice guy who wants to enjoy his time in Formula One: no different to Marques, Button, Trulli, Fisi, Montagny or McNish, all of whom were my team- mates, all of whom I got on well with and who are still friends. For 2008, I don't anticipate problems with anybody, and Flavio has always demonstrated that he can manage these situations very well.    }

Alonso makes it clear that he WANTS Piquet Jr. (his team mate) to be NOT LIKE Hamilton. He also adds, should he (Piquet Jr.) prove to be another head-ache to him (as was Hamilton last year), Flavio Briatore is there to ensure Piquet Jr. DOES NOT beat him on track! Shame on Alonso.   

Technorati Tags: Renault,Alonso,R27,Piquet Jr.,Flavio Briatore

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