Saturday, April 12, 2008

Dear Indians

Ahead of the launch of the definitive 2008 Force India car, I've got something to share with my fellow Indians. We might be expecting a lot out of 'our' new team--regular points etc. However, we'll have to keep reminding ourselves that this after all is a team that's still on the recovery. The resources have just started to flow in and it'll be a while before the effect will be more pronounced. I would put my money on a year and a half, may be, for assured points finishes. The team definitely shows a strong sense of promise--promise that they are, passionately and enthusiastically, after bigger things. Back to the Jordan '99 days? I wouldn't bet against it.

Vijay Mallya is hugely motivated, Mike Gascoyne is finally getting to get hold of resources with which he could start to work his magic and the drivers are promising. Go Force India, Go!

Technorati Tags: Force India,Vijay Mallya,VJM01,Mike Gascoyne

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